When I was in school, my least favorite subject was art. I found the classes incredibly frustrating and not because elementary school art is ridiculously hard, but because I just wasn't that good at it. I could always visualize exactly what I wanted to end up on the construction paper but my hand would never cooperate with my vision. It is fair to say that I was always the worst artist in any of my classes. I have multiple disfigured clay sculptures to prove it.
As I got older, I looked for other outlets to exercise my creative brain. I tried acting classes, and after one particularly embarassing audition decided that I was too much of an introvert to act; I made movies with my friends (mostly horror movies with a scream mask and ketchup blood);I wrote often (and still do); And I wrote/directed plays that were performed in the middle of our col de sac for the bargain price of 10 cents per ticket.
When I graduated from high school, I subconsciensly convinced myself that,since I never really excelled at any of my attempts to be the creative right-brained person that I am, whatever degree I pursued should be analytical . I dove into my biology degree and made good grades. I was a succesful college student, especially when compared to many of my peers who were failing classes and dropping out. But by sophomore year, I was ready to try out a new major, completely bored with calculus and chemistry.
I can't really pinpoint the exact moment that I knew I wanted to be a photographer. My mom still asks what made you want to do this, again? I had taken film classes in high school which I enjoyed, but it was some time my sophomore year during a faintly confusing time in my life that photography found me.
I will ALWAYS have a love for portraiture. Watermelon Photography is such a blessing. It is a bright, airy, colorful slice of the photography pie. While I am in the brainstorming steps of really making Watermelon all that it can be, I also have a yearning to explore the art of photography through fine art, particularly landscapes. When I visit Ireland in a month, I am going to spend as much time as possible capturing the beautiful landscapes the way I see them.
So, thats where I stand now in my affair with photography. I am the once talent-less artist who finally found her place behind a camera.
And just in case this post was too long, boring, and serious for you, here is a shot of the beloved Cash sporting my new scarf from Gap.